
The price estimate API method allows HTTP Post actions. Given the supplied data, it will return 1 or more valid prices for the given route.


Allows you to obtain a price estimate against your TransVirtual database.

Request Properties

Property Name Required Description
SenderName Name consignment is being sent from (optional).
SenderSuburb Yes Suburb consignment is being sent from.
SenderState Yes State consignment is being sent from.
SenderPostcode Yes Postcode consignment is being sent from.
ReceiverName Name consignment is being sent to (optional).
ReceiverSuburb Yes Suburb consignment is being sent to.
ReceiverState Yes State consignment is being sent to.
ReceiverPostcode Yes Postcode consignment is being sent to.
ServiceType Service level, contact supplier for list of valid service levels. (may be required field)
CustomerName Yes The customer name of this account (if not known, customer account must be supplied). Max length: 200
CustomerCode Yes The customer account code of this account (if not known, customer name must be supplied). Max length: 20
DangerousGoods Contains dangerous goods (If yes, set to Y). Max length: 1
DimensionsUOM Units of measure for supplied dimensions (mm, cm, m, inc, ft, yd). Max length: 3
WeightUOM Units of measure for supplied weights (kgs, oz, lb, ton, tonne). Max length: 5
AdditionalServiceList Additional Services Requested - contact office for list of valid values, seperate with |
SenderIsResidential Sender is Residential (If yes, set to Y). Max length: 1
ReceiverIsResidential Receiver is Residential (If yes, set to Y). Max length: 1
Property Name Required Description
QtyDecimal Yes The number of items in this row (Quantity). Decimal
Description Yes The description given to this row of items (Carton, Pallet etc). Max length: 200
Weight Yes The total weight of this row of items. Integer
Length Yes The length of each of the row of items - Used with Quantity field. Decimal
Width Yes The Width of each (or total) of the row of items - Used with Quantity field. Decimal
Height Yes The Height of each (or total) of the row of items - Used with Quantity field. Decimal

Response Properties

The response properties for the HTTP Post found within the Data field of the reponse

Property Name Description
SenderSuburb Suburb consignment is being sent from.
SenderState State consignment is being sent from.
SenderPostcode Postcode consignment is being sent from.
ReceiverSuburb Suburb consignment is being sent to.
ReceiverState State consignment is being sent to.
ReceiverPostcode Postcode consignment is being sent to.
TotalQuantity Total Quantity
TotalWeight Total Weight
TotalCubic Total Cubic
Property Name Description
FromZone From Zone
ToZone To Zone
Title Title - Description
ServiceType Service Type
Transit Transit Info
TransitEta Transit Eta
BasePrice Base Price
AdditionalServicePrice Additional Service Estimate
TaxPrice Tax Price
LevyPrice Levy Price
GrandPrice Grand Price

Example Post

Request (json)
Response (json)

Error Codes

Error Code Description
1001 Invalid Sender Suburb supplied
1002 Invalid Receiver Suburb supplied
1003 Invalid Customer Account details (Name or Code)
1004 Invalid dimensions unit of measure supplied
1005 Invalid weight unit of measure supplied
1006 Invalid weight supplied, must be greater then zero
1007 Invalid dimensions supplied, must be greater then zero
1008 Invalid description supplied, required to assist with pricing
1009 Invalid quantity supplied, must be greater then zero
1010 Invalid additional service, contact office for full list
1011 No price found, contact office to request price