
The consignment status API method allows HTTP Put and Post actions and requires the consignment to already exist in the system.


Allows you to query a consignment status in your TransVirtual database.

Request Properties

Property Name Required Description
Id The TransVirtual Id of the consignment
Number Yes Consignment number (also the tracking number). Max length: 100
UniqueId A unique key value that your system will identify with the consignment. Max length: 200

Response Properties

The response properties for the HTTP Post found within the Data field of the reponse

Property Name Description
Id The TransVirtual Id of the consignment
UniqueId A unique key value that your system will identify with the consignment
ConsignmentNumber Consignment number (also the tracking number)
Status The current status of the consignment
StatusDateTime The date time the current status was entered into. UTC Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm (UTC)
GeoLatitude The last Latitude Geo location known
GeoLongitude The last Longitude Geo location known
GpsDateTime The date time the current status was entered into. UTC Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm (UTC)

Example Post

Request (json)
Response (json)


Allows you to update a consignment status in your TransVirtual database.

Request Properties

Property Name Required Description
ConsignmentNumber Consignment number (also the tracking number).[Required if UniqueId or Id not provided] Max length: 100
UniqueId A unique key value that your system will identify with the consignment.[Required if ConsignmentNumber or Id not provided] Max length: 200
Id A unique TransVirtual key value that our system returned on consignment creation.[Required if ConsignmentNumber or UniqueId not provided] Max length: 20
DateTime Yes The date of the status change. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm (for UTC) or yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm+Z (for local Ex: 2016-05-10T10:30+10:00)
Status Yes The name of the status [InTransit, InDepot, OnDelivery, Delivered]
UniqueIdStatus Your unique ID of this status change
Comment Any driver notes or comments against this status change
CreatedBy The driver/staff member that triggered this status change
PickupRelated Status change relates to the pickup component of this consignment
ApiImportTag A tag that can be used to assist with generating advanced export rules. Max length: 50

Response Properties

The response properties for the HTTP Put found within the Data field of the reponse

Property Name Description
Id The TransVirtual Id of the consignment status created

Example Put

Request (json)
Response (json)

Error Codes

Error Code Description
2050 missing status, status mapping required?
2051 missing consignment link (number)
2052 more then 1 result obtained
2053 does not exist